Crowdsurf & Turf Meets: Puppy.

On the 25th January, Puppy one of the best rock records EVER. On the 17th April they embark on their UK tour, playing some of their biggest headline shows to date along with fellow big riffers Green Lung. They have also been announced for some of the biggest UK festivals including Reading & Leeds, Arctangent & Truck Festival. So before they melt all your faces off we thought we’d have a catch up with the guys so you can get to know them a bit better.

I honestly don't think I've heard a Rock album that has stood out as much as yours in the past few years. Do you go into the studio consciously trying to make your songs stand apart from the rest or does it happen naturally? 

Thank you. Well I think it’s a bit of both actually; there was definitely a bit of a concept at the beginning of the band that we wanted to try and combine more traditional pop/rock influences with heavier stuff, but then again arriving at that conclusion could only really happen because of who we are as people and musicians. Will’s background in Doom and Stoner bands really helped me and Billy feel more legitimised in wanting to play heavier music, and I think the two of us being these weird outsiders to that whole thing helped Will escape some of the stylistic constraints he felt in that scene. Basically I think we all envied what each other were doing a bit, and Puppy is a vehicle which really allows us to be all those things at once. 

You've been working on this album for quite some time now, how does it feel to finally have it out?

It feels really great. We’ve been sat on the songs for a while, so to have them out really gives the whole thing a new lease of life and has definitely re ignited our passion for them. I definitely got a bit nervous close to release day because i suddenly remembered it would be getting reviewed and stuff, but the response has been pretty good so we’re all happy and looking forward to the next one.

I know you guys are big fans of classic rock bands but are there any modern bands you enjoy?

Yeah certainly; Angel Du$t, Girlpool, Pinegrove, Deafheaven, Wooze, Hallas, Higher Power, Oneohtrix Point Never, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Homeshake... I think what I meant when I’ve said in the past is that we didn’t identify with a lot of the current rock or metal scene in a broad sense, and regarding that kind of stuff in particular we tend to listen to older bands. Having said that there are still a bunch of great artists out there currently, just not necessarily what’s generally thought of as being at the forefront of it.

I couldn’t interview you and not ask about the incredible album artwork, who created it and why did you guys think it worked for the record?

The Goat artwork.

The Goat artwork.

Billy made it. I think we wanted something that summed up the repurposing and perhaps repositioning of a lot of tropes of classic rock or metal in a way that felt comfortable to us, and I think that image does it perfectly. Even though we take a lot of our musical cues from 80’s and 90’s stuff, we never wanted to just regurgitate it without making it something greater than the sum of its parts, and by taking something recognisably “metal” like the satanic alter and putting it against this bright pink background it really gives a sense of what we’re trying to do musically I think.

Who is The GOAT?

Will would say Michael Jordan, Billy would say Thierry Henry, and I’d probably say J Mascis.

How are you feeling about the upcoming tour?

Feeling good. It’s exciting to think that people will have a whole bunch of new songs to hear live and that there’s a bit of excitement around the band at the moment. Being on a headline tour is great because you’re not necessarily trying to win people over in the same way you might if you’re a support act. You’re all there to enjoy the songs together and to have a good time. That’s if anyone shows up- we’re still not sure whether that will happen. Fingers crossed though.

Is it true you once played a show where you gave the crowd silly string?

Yes, it was the launch for our second EP Vol II. I got nailed with a bunch when I was on stage and I still can’t get a stream of pink out of my Fender Bronco, but it’s my own fault I guess. We also have them Puppy lighters, which, considering it turns out silly string is highly flammable, probably wasn’t the smartest idea. You live and learn though.

You've been performing since 2015 I believe, what has changed since those early days compared to now?

I think we’ve got better at it, and our bond as people and musicians has increased massively. To me, that comes across in every aspect of the band; musically as well as in the videos and artwork. Even the way we dress has spiralled dangerously close together. We often get into rows about who’s gonna be able to wear a plain white t shirt on stage.

 Here are some Quickfire Questions:

Favourite Films & TV series?

We’re big fans of Spielberg/ Cameron classics like Aliens, Terminator 2, Back To The Future and Indiana Jones. TV series wise Billy’s obsessed with The Sopranos and me and Will spend a lot of time discussing Bojack Horseman.

4 essential items you have to take on tour...

Besides clothes I’d say chargers, books, some kind of gaming device and a sleeping bag. Norway is very cold.

Do any of you have any other talents?

We all enjoy cooking very much and all think we’re better than the others at it. Billy loves playing football too.

If you were curating a festival, who would your three headliners be?

If we had access to a time machine then Weezer in 1996, Metallica in 1986 and The Beatles in 1966.

Where in the world would you like to perform most?

I’d love to travel to Central Asia. Also having just spent a month in mainland Europe in January, anywhere hot would be amazing. 

What do we have to look forward to from you?

We’ve got some exciting things bubbling up behind the scenes at the moment, but right now our main focus is touring behind the album and just celebrating that milestone. Having said that we’ve always got an eye on the future, so watch this space.

Check out their upcoming dates and book tickets below: